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Why Jambo is the government's go-to stakeholder engagement software

Written by Jambo | September 25, 2024

As a government department or agency, you're familiar with projects involving multiple stakeholders. With limited resources and competing priorities, keeping everyone on the same page is a constant challenge. 

But how do you keep track of all the conversations, meetings, and issues that arise with various communities and stakeholders? How can you guarantee that promises made along the way are kept and nothing falls through the cracks? Add urgent requests for updates from senior staff or ministers; stakeholder engagement can quickly become complex and overwhelming. 

The challenges of stakeholder engagement in government 

Governments face unique challenges when it comes to engaging with stakeholders. The stakes are high, from managing sensitive information to ensuring transparency and accountability.  

A specialized stakeholder relationship management (SRM) software solution can make managing stakeholder engagement information much easier. 

Introducing Jambo: the trusted SRM for governments 

Jambo is the trusted SRM software for government teams that want to manage stakeholder engagement efficiently and securely.  

Using Jambo to track and manage key contacts and all engagement information, governments can streamline their engagement and consultation processes, reduce stress, and improve overall efficiency.

Used and trusted by multiple governments 

Jambo is proud to be used and trusted by multiple North American governments at all levels (federal, provincial/state, local/municipal and Crown corps). These governments rely on Jambo to manage all aspects of their stakeholder and community engagement projects.  

Over time, we've built strong relationships with these government departments, working together to deliver successful outcomes. Many of these governments have partnered with us for the long haul, signing multi-year contracts and growing their accounts with Jambo as they roll out our software across multiple projects or departments.  

We understand the importance of flexibility and adaptability when working with governments, including navigating the procurement process to ensure a smooth implementation. 

Why do governments trust Jambo? 

So, what sets Jambo apart from other stakeholder engagement solutions on the market?  

Here are a few reasons why Jambo is the trusted software for government departments and agencies seeking effective stakeholder engagement information management:

Secure your data and control access 

Many governments rely on SharePoint to manage stakeholder engagement information, which can lead to many problems. Without proper permission controls and access management, sensitive data could be compromised through data breaches, errors and data gaps are more likely, and team members may inadvertently work with outdated or incomplete information. 

Jambo offers fully customizable user and role permissions. This means you have complete control over who can access what data and when.

You can even integrate third-party contractors with Jambo's confidential contractor access pack. This means you can collaborate with third parties and involve them in your process while limiting their access to sensitive projects or communication records. For example, a contractor hosting an open house can add their data to Jambo but not see other data that you haven't explicitly granted them access to. 

Make comprehensive reporting easy 

It's crucial to be able to clearly illustrate every stakeholder engagement that occurred with a stakeholder or community. We've seen a significant uptick in legal cases where detailed records of all interactions are demanded. Jambo's user-friendly reporting features enable government teams to rapidly generate thorough reports on every engagement, making it an indispensable asset for public sector organizations.

Government teams working on engagement projects often face urgent requests from senior staff and ministers for up to date information on projects and initiatives. With Jambo's robust reporting capabilities, teams can rapidly respond to these demands by generating comprehensive reports that provide a clear picture of project progress. Whether briefing a minister's office before a meeting or informing speaking notes, Jambo reports enable teams to meet these deadlines with ease.

Access government-grade security and data sovereignty 

At Jambo, data security is a top priority; we know it's also a top priority for governments. Jambo has been rigorously tested and certified to meet the most stringent government regulations, ensuring compliance with federal, provincial and state standards in Canada and the US.

We take data protection very seriously. A dedicated security information officer continuously monitors and improves our security protocols to prevent data breaches and minimize risks.  

We also offer access to local data centres to ensure that all your data remains within your jurisdiction, giving you peace of mind over data sovereignty. 

Get up and running fast with expert onboarding and support 

Adopting new software or processes can be challenging for government teams. To address this issue, Jambo was designed with user-friendly interfaces and workflows made for stakeholder engagement.

We aim to make it easy for government teams to adopt and use Jambo. With a straightforward onboarding process, you can get started quickly and see the benefits of effective stakeholder engagement. 

However, we go beyond providing a user-friendly interface and an efficient onboarding process. Unlike other solutions, our customer success team is also comprised of stakeholder engagement experts who understand the unique challenges and complexities of stakeholder engagement in the public sector.

Our customer success team is equipped to provide expert guidance every step of the way. From project setup to data management, we'll work with you to define what success means for your team and ensure that Jambo is used effectively from the start. And we're here for you throughout your journey with a robust helpdesk and an accessible support team.

Eliminate silos and collaborate across departments and projects 

Governments often work on multiple projects simultaneously, competing for limited resources. This creates complex stakeholder relationship management that's difficult to navigate, especially when data is scattered across different systems or locations.

With Jambo, you can store all your stakeholder and engagement data in one place, eliminating silos and making it easier to collaborate across departments and projects. Jambo has a global view feature that allows you to organize and analyze your data by project or roll up to see the big picture across projects. This gives you a complete understanding of successes and potential issues, enabling you to plan resources more effectively and make more informed decisions. 

Ensure consistent messaging 

Having clear and consistent messaging is essential when managing relationships with stakeholders. It builds trust, credibility, and strong relationships with those who may be scrutinizing your every move.

With Jambo, staying organized and on top of stakeholder interactions is easy. Simply click on a stakeholder or organization profile to access a complete history of all interactions, including meetings, phone calls, emails, and more. This means every team member with access can view up-to-date information and know everything that's been said to stakeholder and community members, eliminating confusion and miscommunication. When meeting with stakeholders, being able to reference previous conversations shows that you're actively listening and care about their needs.

Build trust with transparency and accountability 

Government projects require authenticity and accountability to ensure stakeholders' confidence in the department and project's integrity.  

With Jambo, we provide an immutable record of all changes made to your data through our change history and audit trail features. This level of transparency can help build trust with stakeholders and ensures that every project meets the highest standards.

Find out if Jambo is the right fit 

Ready to learn more about Jambo stakeholder engagement software? Schedule a 15-minute call with our team today and discover how we can support your government department or agency's success.